Mr. Sockworthy asked for an update on the SSsOD.....
I...uh...er....I changed my mind. I went and got some real sock yarn:

And, yes, it knits like a dream. It was suggested that I knit the socks using the recommended needles. Not sure if you can see it on this pic, but they suggest 8's for sock weight yarn!

I knit tightly, but that's a bit rediculous. The swatch looked OK, but once I got into the magic loop, things got stretched out a bit, and there were holes....

You can see the holes on the sides, where I was making my increases. By the way...the Turkish Cast On is unbelievable! I'm in love! Anyhow, I can't have socks with holes in the toes....so....

And what is on the other needles?
Yeah...so neither one is in focus. LOL. Sorry.
May your BOs be swift and your FOs be many!
wow, you make all this?
You know I have to show you what his grandmother made for my sister's baby...its so cute. I gotta post that picture up: ) come check it out.
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