Monday, October 23, 2006

A home....

My super short scarf has found a home with my mother.  She gets hot easily (gee, I can't wait until menopause), but doesn't like the draft on her neck.  Perfect solution!
Either that, or she sensed my dissappointment with the short scarf and valiantly "fell in love" with it to make me feel better.

Moms are like that.
Until next time....May your BOs be swift, and your FOs be many!


Anonymous said...

Hi -- Your newest FO that looks like corn candy? Is that a rug or a dish rag? Cute-O! And your son is adorable...I found you on Shelly's blog at Heathen Housewife and I like your blog, too.

BawdyintheGutter said...

Annie -

Your comment didn't have a link with it, so I hope you stop back!

The Candy Corn is a dishcloth. I just laid it on the carpet to get a nice neutral background.

Thanks for commenting, and complementing my genetics! :)