Yes. Boring title. Howdy to everyone stopping by from Rabbitch's blog. The particular t-shirt I want is this image, with a caption like, "Knitting without a helmet." or something equally as witty. I'm sure she'll think of SOMETHING. (hint, hint!)
Here's a picture of a mitten:
I'm not particularly proud of said mitten. It doesn't fit anyone I know, didn't care for the colors together, and I hate the construction (seemseamed). So, I never knit it a partner. I've had this mitten for a year. Just hanging out. I got a camera for xmas. It needed a home. My mitten needed a friend. It is no longer a mitten, but a "stylish" (fine..."weird") camera tote. With a thumb. Whatever. It works.
I'll have update photos of the scarf project soon, knitting is slow going on it, my hands have been achy.
Three cheers for recycling my own crappy knitting! Hip, hip, hooray!